Thursday, November 13, 2014

Engaging with English

The new students from the social wellness program Manos de Libertad are all studying English. For half the class, we have an English-only interactive round table.

Immersion is key to learning a language
Everybody is engaged
Getting outside changes the classroom and keeps students attentive

Speaking helps students' pronunciation

Monday, November 10, 2014


Duolingo is the new program we are using to teach English. Right now, we actually have more English students than math students, and the program has been very successful. Duolingo engaging and easy to navigate, allowing the students to work without the constant attention of the tutor. One student who has access to a computer has even continued to study at home! The program teaches English beginning with basic word-image associations and then simple translations. To augment the online learning, we also hold short conversation lessons each class. All of the English students gather around a table to speak in English about what they've learned that day and respond to the tutor's questions. This provides the students with a limited immersion in English and a chance to practice their pronunciation. Furthermore, it forces the students to actually apply the language in a spontaneous way, complimenting the more passive lessons they receive online. All in all, the English program, though new, has proved popular and successful!

     Students using Duolingo to study English
Moises is extra intent on getting this translation right