Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Day 8 July 2nd

July 2

Today we used a different modality than yesterday. Yesterday we tried making all the students accounts first and then having them use the page. What we’re doing now is separating the class into two equal halves. For the first half of the time one of the groups uses the computers and the other is outside playing math games. What we do is make the first group their logins and then they stay the first half of the class. After the snack break we brought in the second group and made them logins and they used the computers until the end of the session. We did this with both the morning and afternoon groups. This is the best solution we could find so far with the quantity of kids we have and our limited number of computers. We have also found that as the students get more familiar with the site they are faster in picking it up and need less help as they go along. Students at similar levels have started engaging in competition to see who can advance the farthest. We look at this as a good sign because it means that the kids are getting comfortable with the program and finding it interesting. Students have also started helping each other solve problems or/and explain concepts that they get to each other. They have also started helping each other navigate the website for when they get stuck. We have also been using the practice exercises mostly but some students have used the videos with the Spanish subtitles and say they help a bit. The only problem with that is that the student cannot fully concentrate on the content in the video because they have to be also attentive to the subtitles. A large part of the students don’t want to leave when their allotted time is up. But in the interest of fairness we have to change the groups so that everyone has a chance of using the computers. It would be ideal if we had more computers and unlimited time so that the students can explore and learn at their own pace. But alas that is not the situation we are in and we are doing the best we can with what we have.
We have also had to teach some of the students how to use a computer. Some of the students have not really had the chance to use a computer. So we teach them the basics of navigating the site and the basics of using a computer. We hope that they are learning math and at the same time learning how to use a computer and the internet. We cannot allow free navigation of the internet by the students because this would put too much of a strain on our internet connection. We have figured out that our connection can be used for about up to 9-10 computer/laptops and we can usually get one tablet to also work. But the internet is rather temperamental and we sometimes have the web pages crashing because the internet connection gets overloaded.

We are taking the program one day at a time. Today was a new approach that seems to be working. But we will keep tweaking and being flexible with the program as we see fit or as situations arise.  


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